Stanzin Wangmo* and Cheng-Min Tsai
Department of Visual Arts and Design, Nanhua University, Chiayi, Taiwan, R.O.C.
*Corresponding author: Stanzin Wangmo,
Keywords: Munsell 100 hue test, color sorting, Quasi-experimental, independent T-test
Poster presentation video:
The primary purposes of this study are: (1) to compare two different color temperatures of lighting when assessing the color sorting task by using the “Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue Test”; (2) to analyze the different majors of the observers who has a color training background or does not. Twenty observers (10 females and 10 males) were invited to join the color sorting assessment. Seven observers from the College of Arts & Design and thirteen observers from other majors. Each observer should finish two trials (daylight and home light) based on the Quasi-experimental method. Each observer took approximately 2-3 minutes to complete one of four boxes. At the end of each task, the score and the assessment duration had recorded using the 100 Hue Test analysis software. An independent t-test analysis method has been used to analyze the variance in sex, major, and lighting. When the observers were doing the task, have noticed that most of the observers took more time in the Home light environment than in the daylight environment, they faced more difficulties in the Home light environment to sorting the task because Daylight produces a higher color temperature in the range of 6500 K, whereas the Home light produces a lower color temperature in the range of 4300k. The results of the T-test show: it's no significant difference in the major on the duration (p=.585) and score (p=.063) variance. There is a significant difference (p=.012) between sex on the duration variance. It's no significant difference (p=.555) between sex on the score variance. Even if the male spent more time assessing the color sorting, the assessment score is almost the same results as the female. Thus, it doesn’t matter whether the observer is male or female or has a color training background or does not. It depends on the observers’ color sensation and perception.