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For Participant

Participants of the 7th ACA 2022 will get benefits as follow:

  • e-Certificates

  • Book of Abstract the 7th ACA 2022

  • Proceedings of the 7th ACA 2022

Guidelines for Oral Presentation

Oral presenters should prepare a maximum of 12-minute talk, which will be presented live on Webex, followed by a couple of questions.

  • Please check the ACA 2022 timetable, find your track ID, paper ID, and presentation time from the following site:

  • Papers must be presented in English.

  • Presentations can be made using PowerPoint, a PDF, or similar software.

  • Presenters will share their screens for their presentations.

  • Please standby 15 min before the session.

Access to the conference

  1. Please download and install Cisco Webex before the conference starts.

  2. Open Webex, and enter Meeting No. and password.

  3. Enter your full English name and email address when logging into Webex. Test the audio connection and screen sharing function before entering the meeting room.

  4. Enter the meeting room and click the Attendee List Button in the lower right corner, then join your oral session.

  5. When the session chair introduces your presentation, turn on your microphone and share your screen. Ask if the chairman can hear your voice and see your slide.

  6. After the Q&A session, please turn off your microphone and switch off the screen sharing function.


Thank you for your cooperation, and we are looking forward to meeting with you during the conference.

Guideline for Poster (Short) Presentation

The poster (short) presentation consists of a 4-minute pre-recorded video presentation and a 3-minute Q&A. These videos are available for one month on the ACA 2022 Taipei website.

  • Please check the ACA 2022 timetable, find your track ID, paper ID, and presentation time from the following site:

  • Papers must be presented in English.

  • Please standby 15 min before the session.

Pre-recorded Video

Speakers will be required to prepare a video for each paper to summarize the content in 4 minutes. Videos are in Full HD (1920x1080 resolution) high-quality MP4 format and must be uploaded to our archive system one week before the meeting (before October 15, 2022). Please use the Microsoft PowerPoint template below to prepare your video presentation and upload the video to the link below.


[Link]<< the link already sent to each participant who joins the poster session by e-mail.


[Template] the poster template like as below:


Poster Session

Half of the papers in ACA 2022 Taipei are presented as posters (short presentation). To enhance the interactivity of the conference, the poster session is divided into three sub-sessions (Color Vision, Color Application, and Color Technology).

In each session, each paper will have a 4-minute pre-recorded video presentation played by an ACA 2022 staff, followed by one or more questions from the session chairs. Please check the timetable and join the live session on time to answer the questions interactively.

To join in the live poster session:

  1. Please download and install Cisco Webex before the conference starts.

  2. Open Webex, and enter Meeting No. and password.

  3. Enter your full English name and email address when logging into Webex.

  4. Test the audio connection before entering the meeting room.

  5. Enter the meeting room and click the Attendee List Button in the lower right corner, then join your live poster session.

  6. When the meeting chairperson introduces your presentation and plays your pre-recorded video, turn on your microphone. Ask if the chairperson can hear you.

  7. After the Q&A session, please turn off your microphone.


Thank you for your cooperation, and we are looking forward to meeting with you during the conference.

Virtual Poster Exhibition

Virtual posters and short videos will be posted on the ACA 2022 website for one month on the first day of the conference. You can leave a message to the author below the video. If you are the author, please reply to comments during and after the meeting.

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