Hung-Chung Li¹ ²*, Zhi-Jia Yang¹, Chun-Ya Yang¹, Ting-Yu Chao¹, Ting-Ning Yang¹, and Shih- Cing Li¹
¹ Department of Cosmetic Science, Chang Gung University of Science and Technology, Wenhua 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 33303, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
² Research Center for Food and Cosmetic Safety, Chang Gung University of Science and Technology, Wenhua 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 33303, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
*Corresponding author: Hung-Chung Li,
Keywords: Illumination technology, Light source, Preference, Color quality, Cosmetic color
Poster presentation video:
The study aims to investigate how the light source's correlated color temperature (CCT) affects a user's perceptual attributes, such as preference, naturalness, and vividness when viewing cosmetic color. Four standard light sources, including A, D65, TL84, and CWF, are tested in the study. As a result, the TL84 white light source can provide the best naturalness. The observers prefer light sources with low color temperature, and A white light source is more conducive to enhancing the vividness of cosmetic colors for both lipstick and eyeshadow color. The psychophysical experimental results can provide the best lighting design for makeup applications and be regarded as a reference for international lighting organizations to formulate the related standards.